
Tax Blogs

Self-Education Tax Deductions Guide

August 2, 2024

Claiming Self-Education Expenses

Did you know that certain self-education expenses can be claimed as tax deductions? We'll guide you through the complexities, maximise your tax deductions, and achieve a maximum refund on your online income tax return.

Self Education


  1. When Do Self-Education Expenses Apply?
  2. What Costs Are Excluded?
  3. Common Misconceptions
  4. Example Case Study
  5. Gotax Deduction Grabber App

When Do Self-Education Expenses Apply?

Self-education expenses are deductible to the extent they are incurred in fullfilling or enhancing your job requirements.  The self-education costs cannot be self education for personal interest.

Direct Connection to Current Employment: The course or study must be directly related to your current income-earning activities. For example, if you're an accountant taking an advanced tax course, the expenses are deductible.

Income-Earning Activities: The expenses must be incurred while you are engaged in income-earning activities. If you're unemployed, the expenses are not deductible.

What Costs Are Excluded?

While many self-education expenses can be claimed, there are specific exclusions to be aware of:

Employer Reimbursements: If your employer reimburses you for any self-education expenses, you cannot claim these as deductions.

Commonwealth Supported Place Fees: Course fees related to a Commonwealth supported place, including those deferred through HECS-HELP, are not deductible.

Common Misconceptions

  1. Any Course is Deductible: Not all courses are deductible. The course must have a direct connection to your current job, not a future career.
  2. Unrelated Expenses: Only expenses directly related to your self-education activities are deductible. For example, travel expenses to attend a course are deductible, but travel for personal reasons is not.
  3. Apportionment: If an expense is partly for self-education and partly for another purpose, you must apportion the expense and only claim the portion related to self-education.

Example Case Study

Terry is a part-time nursing student who starts working as an enrolled nurse while completing his studies. He incurs expenses for textbooks, course fees, and travel to attend classes. Tommy can claim these expenses as deductions from the time he starts working as a nurse, provided they are not reimbursed by his employer and do not relate to a Commonwealth supported place.

Gotax Deduction Grabber App

Maximise your deductions with the Gotax Deduction Grabber App! It has all the logbooks and tax expense recording systems you need. Simply scan the QR code to download and start tracking your expenses today.

Deduction Grabber


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