
Tax Tips for Government Workers

Boost your Tax Refund with these tax deductions!

Tax Tips Government Workers may be able to claim on their online income tax return

Uniforms & Laundry
You can claim the cost of purchasing, washing and mending Uniforms that have your employer’s logo permanently attached. 

Car Expenses
You can claim work-related travel e.g. Travelling from one office to another office, attending meetings, running errands.  

You can also claim car expenses for travelling from one job directly to a second job. 

Home to work travel is not tax deductible. 

Keep a diary tracking your kilometres. If you think you will go over 5,000kms keep a 12-week consecutive logbook and receipts for any car expenses e.g. Rego & Insurance, Repairs, Fuel etc. 

Other Work-Related Expenses
You may also be able to claim the following expenses:

  • Tax Agent Fees

  • Union Fees

  • Stationery, Diaries, Logbooks

  • Accommodation & Overnight travel expenses if you’re required to travel overnight 

  • Mobile Phone and/or Internet (Keep a one-month logbook tracking your work calls and work use) 

  • Conference, Seminar or Course expenses, including travel 

Need logbooks? All of our logbooks come with instructions and the calculations required to work out your work use percentage! You can find these inside your tax return. 

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