
Tax Tips for Tradies

Hammer these tax deductions to boost your tax refund...

Tax Tips Tradies may be able to claim on their online income tax return

Motor Vehicle Expenses​

You can claim a tax deduction for your motor vehicle if:

  • You are driving from your workplace to another workplace (e.g. picking up tools from the tool shop, travelling to another jobsite etc.)
  • You are driving between separate workplaces (e.g. to a second job)
  • Travel to and from work if you have to carry bulky tools and there is no safe place to leave them at work.

*to claim your car expenses you need to keep a 12 week consecutive logbook to work out your work-related
percentage, or you need to keep a record of the kilometres travelled to claim using the cents per kilometre method.

Protective Clothing & Laundry​

  • If you had to buy protective clothing for work e.g.

Hard hats, high vis wear, boots, safety glasses
etc. You can claim the cost of the clothing plus
laundry expenses.

You can also claim the cost of purchasing and
washing uniforms that have your company’s
logo attached.

Phone & Internet Expenses

  • You can claim the work-related portion of your internet and phone usage if your boss needs you to use your personal devices for work.

*Keep a one month logbook of the personal and business use to apportion the work use at tax time.

Other Common Work-Related Expenses

  • Tools & Equipment* (Toolkits, Drills, Hammers, Saws etc.)
  • Training courses (directly related to your current role)
  • Income Protection Insurance
  • Sun Protection e.g. Sunglasses, Sunscreen etc. (If you work outside)
  • Licenses, Permits, Certificate Fees (not your drivers licence)
  • Travel & Accommodation expenses If working away from home.

*Computers, Laptops or Equipment that cost over $300 will have to spread the tax deduction over a few years.

Remember the ATO’s 3 Golden Rules for claiming a tax deduction:

  • You must have spent the money yourself and weren’t reimbursed
  • It must be directly related to earning your income
  • You must have a record to prove it

Our Blogs - 

What can tradies claim on their tax return?

Can I Claim my Uniform on my Tax Return?

Can I Claim Driving to work on my Tax?

Lemon Tax Rules